Tuesday, June 11, 2013

5. Giving iPads to Kindergarteners

Dr. Jane Bailey discusses the pros and cons of allowing kindergarteners the use of iPads in the classroom in her article Giving iPads to Kindergarteners.  It has become commonplace to see young children using advanced technology such as iPads and smartphones; in fact, they often learn how to use the technology faster than adults.  Keeping this in mind, Dr. Bailey examines how this trend affects the classroom.  More and more schools are turning to technology to spark renewed interest in learning and to help develop important learning and critical thinking skills.  Technology, with the right application, can also lead to improved creativity and expression.  In the article, Dr. Bailey discusses responsible use of technology to further learning.  Young children should be monitored while using technology for educational purposes, both to help keep children focused and to make sure that their mood remains positive.  The article cautions against using technology for extended periods of time and warns responsible parents and educators about the dangers of cyber bullying. 

While there are some concerns about the use of technology for educational purposes, I believe that technology can be highly beneficial as a supplement to traditional education.  The use of technology should be monitored carefully and tracked to ensure that it is providing some kind of benefit.  When technology is being used responsibly, it creates an interest in learning that is often lost in today's students.  The article lists a number of applications and describes how they might be used to help a child to develop fundamental skills or to express creativity and growth; after reading the description of each application, I can imagine using each one to help a child grow.  Technology will keep advancing, and as a teacher it is my responsibility to keep up with the trends that will help each new generation of students to learn.

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