Monday, August 5, 2013

22. What Does Technology Mean to Me?

What does technology mean to me?

Technology has been a big part of my life even from my earliest years.  For me, technology means ingenuity, creativity, and the never ending search to redefine the "cutting edge."  I've always been a little different, especially when compared to the stereotypical girl.  My love of technology was born when my uncle introduced me to computers as a small child.  My uncle worked on computers and his fascination with and enthusiasm for new technology rubbed off on me.  I remember sitting in his lap and playing SimAnt and Stickybear on an ancient Macintosh; even then, trying out the newest technology felt natural to me.

Every now and then, my parents would bring home a laptop from work.  I was fascinated by the idea of a portable computer.  I remember that my family first connected to the Internet when I was in the sixth grade; it felt as though an entirely new world was waiting just at my fingertips.  Suddenly I had the ability to communicate instantly with others without using the phone.  I had the ability to find information on any topic.  I had the ability to play games with other people.  Better yet, I had the ability to explore the incredibly creative software produced by others.  I have a soft spot in my heart for well-crafted roleplaying games, but I even found recipe storage and photo editing software to be fascinating.  If there was a problem out there, someone was trying to program a solution for it.

As I got older I began to have even more access to technology.  I received my first cell phone and a few years later, my own personal laptop.  By the time I received each of these, they were already obsolete.  Technology continued to exhibit explosive growth.  Cell phones became smartphones.  Laptops became tablets.  Devices went from big and bulky to slim and streamlined.  The future of technology is bright and full of wonder.  I think to myself, "what will we think of next?  What will technology be like when I am my mother's age, or my grandmother's age?  Do I live in the age when science fiction becomes reality?"

To put it simply, technology means the best of human innovation.  Technology is amazing.

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